Allegedly based on actual events this international tale of erotica and intrigue tells the story of the Parisian Madame Claude who provides classy call girls for the wealthy and powerful. But her French brothel will take a sudden turn when one of her girls turns up dead in photographer David Evan s apartment. Madame Claude must find a way to prevent the destruction of her elite.
User Reviews
A reporter finds that the government is using Madame Claude's girls to simplify negotiations. Government decides to assassinate Mme. Claude to keep the story quiet. Surviving the first attempt, she decides to retire, and sends her girls out on their last assignations, to help clinch the final deal, worth 2 million to her. Threadbare plot, with lots of holes - but it works nonetheless.
Most of the movie is vignettes of these beautiful women at their assignations - with some interleaved government underhandedness as a counterpoint. Some drama, but mostly erotica, handled with unusual sensuality.
This is an erotic flick you can share with the women - it'll appeal to them, too. Not quite soft-core porn, but decidedly erotica.
My major complaint is that most of the actresses either didn't work again, or worked in only a few other movies - they were well worth seeing again, if it were available.